Google AdSense Approval for Blogger in 1 Minute? AdSense Tips & Tricks for Beginners | BAT#0 - FeedingJobs


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Friday 29 July 2022

Google AdSense Approval for Blogger in 1 Minute? AdSense Tips & Tricks for Beginners | BAT#0

You will learn how to get Google AdSense approval for blogger or in 2021 by watching this Blogger + AdSense Tutorial (BAT) videos series, I will show you how 2 of my blogger site were approved by Google AdSense and recently with steps-by-steps illustration in 10 or 15 videos in this BAT series.  

These blogs are: &

For more about Google AdSense / Blogger site tutorials, you may refer to these links 

Google AdSense Tutorial *Videos* Playlist


Google AdSense Tutorial *Posts/Articles* List ⚠️HIGHLY RECOMMENDED⚠️


Blogger will be used illustration in this series only. However, the context of this Blogger Google AdSense Tutorial is compatible for both Blogger/BlogSpot website and WordPress website.

You may treat this BAT series as a blogger tutorials for beginners and Google AdSense tutorials for beginners to develop a website that can be approved by Google AdSense easily and start to earn money from monetized website.


00:00 Blogger AdSense Tutorial (BAT)

01:06 Lucky Draw for Subscribers 


Besides, there will be a LUCKY DRAW for everyone who subscribe my YouTube channel, leave a like and comment on any AdSense related videos here after my channel has over 1000 subs with 4000 hours watch time. I will pick the lucky one to help him/her build a website and get AdSense approval like my other AdSense-approved site .

Click here to subscribe my channel :  



I would highly recommended you to look through the sitemap I created for you to learn more about Google AdSense.


There are tons of my sharing and the ways on how I deal with various AdSense policy violations such as Low Value Content and Google-served ads on screens without publisher-content. I also share some content like YouTube SEO strategies and fixing indexing issue.


Google AdSense Tutorial YouTube Videos


How to Get Google AdSense Approval for Website in 2021 &

Blogger AdSense Approval with less than 20 posts and little traffic


How to verify Google AdSense Account without AdSense PIN Letter in 2021 | How to Request AdSense to resend PIN


How to fix Google AdSense Low Value Content | 8 Tips to get Google AdSense approval in 2021


[CC]100% Proof FIX Google AdSense Valuable Inventory : No Content 2021 | Fix Policy Violations Error


Google AdSense PIN Verification 2021 | How to Request AdSense PIN Resend



Website's AdSense Approval Guide and Tutorial 


Create Google AdSense Account (Tutorial)


Add New Sites in AdSense sites list (Tutorial)


Jaxx Invest Blogger AdSense Approval Process (English) :


Foolly-Foodie Blogger AdSense Approval Process (English):



Indexing Issue Fix & Index Faster (Sharing)  


Google AdSense Valuable Inventory : No Content (FIX)


Google AdSense Low Value Content Issue (FIX)


Google AdSense policy violation : Google-served ads on screens without publisher-content (FIX)



Time for AdSense to review/approve sites (Sharing)


Minimum Posts to get AdSense Approval (Sharing)



Duplicate AdSense Account problem (FIX)


All you need to know about AdSense PIN (Verification, Request to resend PIN, Waiting Time)


Another update on Google AdSense PIN (Sharing)


How to verify Google AdSense account without AdSense PIN (Tutorial)


#This content is authorized by the original owner/creator of this video

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